My Blog

Saturday, January 27, 2007

What Viewers Really Think about TV Antique Shows: An Intelligent Perspective

So there we have it. The previous articles provided a brief snapshot of The Antiques Roadshow, US style, through the lens of the viewing public. One may not consider them the most discerning bunch but they speak from the heart and they represent a reasonable cross section of this audience. Nevertheless, there are a few sharp and pithy observations camouflaged within this site that deserve more than just an acknowledgement in passing.

I have not watched a moment of this show since that woman came on with her hideous folk art jug that she got at a garage sale for $25 and it was worth over $50,000! The only bigger idiot than someone who would pay $25 for that ugly piece of yuck is someone who would actually shell out FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS for it! This show makes me realise just how money orientated our country has become. When some wealthy collector out there will pay $50,000 for a jug or $800,000 for a side table I just have to think of the things that money could have done for a sick or needy person. The Antiques Roadshow, though interesting at first, merely reinforces our societys obsession with stuff.

The Antiques Roadshow is a wonderful insight into the differences between two cultures. The antiques business in the UK is fuddy duddy, full of eccentric characters and gullible but polite people who just nod pleasantly, saying yes a lot when told their piece is a load of junk etc. The US show is dominated by really annoying presenters, most of whom are flagrantly homosexual, and just plain dull. Also, in the US show there is much more emphasis on price than in the British version where the history of the piece is more important.

A cross between a museum and The Price is Right.

Take equal parts Game Show, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Falcon Crest stir vigorously, pour over ice (into a rare 18th century pewter mug) and, voila, you have The Antiques Roadshow.

There is a sense that the US market is much more financially orientated so far as art, antiques and collectables are concerned. The major driver in the various message boards is for an affirmation of the monetary value of an item. This doesnt mean that its intrinsic value, nor its history, are irrelevant but the attention span of the typical consumer in the US is very short. Although there are many educated and informed viewers on US television, it is almost impossible to contemplate a programme with the intellectual rigour of Going for a Song appearing on a mainstream channel. Interestingly, there has been an attempt to resurrect the aforementioned show with the formidable Anne Robinson in the chair though this just seems a ruse to replicate a successful formula without establishing whether there is any latent demand. These television executives really do have to work a bit harder. I reckon you and I could do a better job half the time.

Part four in a series of articles by Howard Lewis.(Read the first three parts in the blog).


Referential Offers

It is not inconceivable, when marketing a property in an environment of multiple offers, that a Seller might come across what it is generally referred to as a referential purchase price offer. A multiple offer situation arises when a subject property is simultaneously appealing to multiple Buyers, which then proceed to submit their respective bids. As Buyers are unaware of the price and terms of competing offers, a referential purchase price clause may seem like the optimal solution but,in fact, it is not.

The thrust of the referential purchase price offer is to piggyback on the next highest bona fide offer that is acceptable to the Seller. The offer contains a clause that reads, in general lines, as follows: The purchase price is $1,000 above the price offered in the nearest competing bona fide offer acceptable to the Seller to a maximum of $350,000. The Seller agrees to provide a copy of such nearest competing offer on acceptance of this offer. The referential purchase price offer, therefore, is a clever way by which the Buyer endeavors to establish a purchase price by reference to prices contained in competing offers. As it can be reasonably anticipated, there are many variations in the wording of referential purchase price clauses.

The problem with this kind of offers is that there is a very good chance that neither the Seller nor the Buyer may pursue a legal remedy should either of them default at completion, due to the wording of the referential purchase price clause. The leading case is a 1985 decision of the House of Lords in England, which held that referential offers are invalid. This case has since been adopted at Common Law, at least insofar as it applies to referential bidding. The general principle of law holds than an offer by one bidder which is dependent for its definition on the offers of others is invalid and unacceptable. The rationale is that this type of offers is inconsistent with and potentially destructive of the very tendering process in which it is submitted.

Whether the focus is on the referential purchase price offer or on the bidding tendering process, there are enough similarities for a Seller to be concerned when dealing with referential offers. An approach that could be employed to circumvent problems involved when confronted with referential purchase price offers would be for the Seller to counter with an Addendum, which deletes the referential purchase price clause and inserts a fixed price for an identical amount in its stead. The benefit for the Seller is, of course, that he will not find himself in a position to have to disclose to the Buyer the nearest highest offer, but whether this will be acceptable to the Buyer is an entirely different matter.

What this all means in a multiple offer scenario is that in the eventuality that a referential purchase price offer comes around the Seller will have to assess its legitimacy, the enforceability of the offer and the bona fide of the contract. Unquestionably, therefore, the Seller that accepts such an offer will take an extra risk, the measure of which may very well lie in the offers that the Seller has decided to disregard in favor of the referential purchase price offer. A risk this that ultimately may not be warranted.

Luigi Frascati


Gift Ideas from the Heart

Gifts should come from the heart, not your pocketbook! Coming up with gift ideas on a budget may seem difficult at first. Put some thought into your gifts and you will be rewarded not only with lower costs but more practical, useful, gifts for the recipient.

Giving gifts from the heart, instead of the pocketbook can relieve a lot of stress during holidays and special occasions. Gifts thought out carefully and directed towards an individual's needs and interests are much more appreciated.

Giving the gift that "Keeps on Giving" is easy if you choose a gift that reflects the recipient's interests or needs and is useful to them. Consider gift ideas you can make yourself. Hand made gifts are almost always lower cost than store bought alternatives.

Some Tips to reduce expenses, and relieve stress:

  • Avoid compulsive buying.
  • Stay organized and calm - If you do your research, you'll know when it's a bargain.
  • Shop early - I know you always say you will. This time DO IT! Buy gifts one by one as you come up with good gift ideas and good bargains!
  • Make a list and check it twice! It always worked for Santa!
  • Plan ahead - Include gifts and holidays in your budget's variable expense account. You'll have the funds when you need them.
  • Stay within your budget - it is possible.

Here are just a few great low cost gift ideas....

Give someone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen a personalized apron and/or a cookbook! Or create a basket with kitchen tools, recipes, mixes, spices, etc.

Magazine subscriptions can be purchased for as low as $3.99/year.Give a gift that "keeps on giving" all year long! You can find magazines on just about any topic.

New or gently used books.

Family photos or personalized photo albums make great gifts for relatives or friends.

DVDS/Videos - You can never lose with this one. Everyone loves a good movie! Buy when they're on sale throughout the year.

Create a personalized gift basket based on the person's interests or needs.

  • Personal Care - fill with hair, nail or skin care products
  • Crafter's Supplies - yarn, ribbon, paints, paint brushes, glues, projects, knitting or crochet supplies, drawing pencils, etc. Just take a walk around the craft store for more ideas.
  • Food - This one is timeless! Bake a favorite recipe that you know the recipient is crazy about. Add a variety of cookies, fudge and candy. Homemade baking mixes and quick breads. If you bake yourself, it's a nice touch to add the recipe with the goods. Use decorative stickers or tie on with pretty ribbons. Baking mixes can be put in jars with decorative tops. Always include recipes for uses with mixes! Be considerate of those with health concerns or who are dieting. Include healthy varieties of the above or add fruits, nuts, and diet specific goodies.
  • Personalized Totebags or T-shirts - Great for kids or adults! This one is a favorite of mine. Create a unique design and/or saying on your computer that suits the person. Print onto transfer paper specifically designed for this purpose (available at most office supply or craft stores. Usually comes with instructions.)

There's nothing more appreciated than a personalized gift. And, everytime it's used, you think of the person who gave it to you. It gives you a feeling of importance somehow. Shows that the giver "really" had you in mind when the gift was made or purchased. And, it's likely to be a gift that doesn't get tossed in the closet, attic, or basement, after you leave!



Any person who goes through life without experiencing failure is the ultimate failure in life.

Why? Because if a person has never failed, they have never attempted to achieve or accomplish extraordinary goals. They have not reached for excellence and have stayed safely within the realm of mediocrity.

Success is not defined by or built upon the absence of failure. Rather, success is felt only when failure is accepted as part of the process and is overcome.

An athlete becomes an outstanding success when she set new records. Babe Ruth set home run records. He also set strike out records. Every strike out was a failure at bat. The average major league player is taught by batting coaches to 'get a hit' or avoid strikeouts rather than strive for a home run.

Most highly successful entrepreneurs fail multiple times in the process of hitting their home runs.

A child learning to walk falls down many times before taking those successful first steps, then stumbles and falls again and again before being able to walk, and then run. The body needs to learn the failure before it can know the success.

Without the willingness to experience yet another failure, no child would ever walk. Without the willingness to experience failure, no great deed would ever get done, no new thing would ever be accomplished, nothing new would ever be learned.

Thomas A. Edison would only have been a failure if he had not been prepared to fail thousands of times before hitting on the right combo of gas and filament in his quest to invent the electric light bulb. His attitude was so focused on success that he did not even consider these failed attempts as failures. He called them successful eliminations of ways that did not work.

Another highly successful person, the great hockey player who set all kinds of scoring records, Wayne Gretzky, who missed (or failed at) more than 90% of his shots, once said, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

Only when you are prepared to fail, will you ever truly succeed. Those who risk the most failures, succeed the most.

In other words, embrace demonstrates that you are on your way to success.


George Best

This morning when I woke the first thought that flickered through my mind was how is George Best? I thought hed died during the night, but there is nothing on the news confirming this, so all must be well with the world. But regrettably, not for long.

I had the great pleasure of seeing George in the flesh over a hundred times, and many of those matches remain clear in the memory. He was the kind of player you couldnt keep your eyes off for long, for if you did, you might miss his latest piece of magic, kind of Rooney with many more goals.

There are so many stories of George, most of them you will have heard before, but I like the one of when he was a young lad and he first arrived at Old Trafford as a very skinny kid. He took the ball up to Harry Gregg, coolly dribbled round him and tapped the ball into an empty net. "Come here you little *******! How dare you do that to me," snarled Gregg, a senior pro from the old school who hated to concede goals, even in training.

George promptly did the same thing, three times more, and Gregg knew theyd discovered a star.

I suppose one of his most famous games was the match in Lisbon against Benfica in 1966. United had won the home leg 3-2 and were widely expected to go out in the return. (United having to win or Draw in Lisbon to stay in the competition, familiar eh?) Benfica were a much bigger club then than now, recently European Champions. But Best was unplayable that night, scoring two fine goals and United won 5-1 in that famous stadium. Even the locals applauded his brilliance and christened him "El Beatle", shades of Ronaldinho at the Bernabeau last weekend, or Thierry Henry at Portsmouth a couple of seasons ago. When the home fans applaud, you just know youve witnessed something special.

But my favourite match was for Northern Ireland in Belfast. The one against a very good Scottish team in 1967, and he didnt even score, but I have never witnessed a game where a single player dominated the whole of a game from beginning to end, as George did that day, not until Maradona came along anyway.

If ever there was a game of one player against eleven it was that day. George demanded the ball, and the lads in green gave it to him at every opportunity, because they knew he was simply unplayable. If you ever have a chance to see a video of that match, watch it, and you will see what I mean.

So where does Besty stand in the all time rankings? Right up there of course, for me, admittedly Im bias, he is head and shoulders above anyone else who ever came from these islands, certainly a better player in my humble opinion than Cruyff, which leaves those famous two old rivals, Pele and Maradona, both truly brilliant, but George was right up there with them, he was that good. The great Pele when addressed as the worlds greatest player said, no, the greatest player is George Best.

When he was at his very best he was unstoppable, and when he was like that, Bobby Charlton and Dennis Law (European footballers of the year both) would simply give him the ball, stand back and admire, and let him get on with it. He packed the grounds wherever he went, he played the game with an outrageous smile on his face. He inspired kids the length and breadth of the land, in playgrounds and on scruffy fields everywhere, he inspired them to try something special, something different, because they had seen Georgie do it on the telly.

The Liverpool Daily Post, a one eyed newspaper if ever there was one, as I suppose local newspapers are meant to be, once ran a huge headline which read: EVERTON FALL TO THE GENIUS OF BEST. I took the Daily Post for thirty years, and I can never remember them ever writing about an opposition player in such glowing terms, before or since. George had the habit of winning over the most hard-hearted of opponents.

Yet he was a man of many weaknesses, hands up those of us who dont have any of those, yet the people who knew him best, spoke of him as a generous and caring man, and I believe that to be true. On the football field he had no weaknesses. None whatsoever, he could shoot with either foot, he was a good header of the ball, a great tackler, an unsurpassed dribbler, (a rare talent today), he was quick, and dont forget he played in an age of ferocious tacklers, where the tackle from behind was legal and sendings off a rarity, and he gave as good as he received, but most of all, he had the ability to produce the unexpected, the true sign that marks out the great ones.

And now he is gone, and I for one will miss him greatly. But all those memories will live with us forever, and for those George, I thank you. George Best died peacefully in hospital in London with his family around him.

George Best

22nd May 1946 25th November 2005.

Rest in peace.


Tucson Realtor-Your Key to the City

If you are moving to the Tucson, Arizona metropolitan area find a Tucson realtor to get advice on the best neighborhoods for your lifestyle and budget. Tucson is a growing yet comfortable city with a thriving business community, a top-notch university, a flourishing cultural center, and beautiful desert surroundings with nearby mountain hideaways. You will find outdoor sports and sporting events to suit every taste. Whether you are a young family looking for a place to put down roots or a couple ready to retire and enjoy life, a good Tucson realtor can help you to find the perfect home to live out your dreams.

Tucson is one of the larger metro areas in the United States with a population that will likely top 1 million in the next few years. The city of Tucson itself is almost 600,000. But, even with a growing population, you can still find that small town or suburban feel. A good Tucson realtor can find you the perfect neighborhood for you, whether you want an exciting night life, great schools, or a golf course nearby.

The influence from south of the border has given the area a decidedly Hispanic and Latino flair-which you may notice when you are taking a tour around the city with a Tucson realtor-from the entertainment, to the food and the buildings. However, other cultures are represented as well. Have your Tucson realtor show you some of the historic neighborhoods and the newer developments as well.

Tucson has several art and history museums and also the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum, which is recognized as one of the best zoos in the country with its selection of hundreds of desert animals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish, and also a beautiful desert botanical garden. Your Tucson realtor can also tell you about the Arizona Opera Company based in Tucson.

For the sports fan, there are many options in Tucson as well. It is the spring training home for the Arizona Diamondbacks, the Chicago White Sox, and the Colorado Rockies, and home to a local minor league team called the Tucson Sidewinders. Have your Tucson realtor drive by the park. If youre a NASCAR fan, you will find exciting races at Tucson Raceway park. The University of Arizona has one of the top athletic departments in the nation.

The University of Arizona, is the leading employer in the city, and then Davis-Monthan Air force base. If you are already working with a Tucson realtor, you may already have a job lined up, but if you are looking for a new job, there are some areas that you should consider. Technology is a big part of the economy in Tucson. Your Tucson realtor can suggest some good ideas of where you should look. Consider Raytheon Missile Systems, Texas Instruments, and others which play significant role in the economic future of the area.

Tucson is a terrific area with endless opportunities for those who are looking to move there. It is a community with a unique flavor, where you can find everything from recreation, to retirement living, to family neighborhoods. It is also a college town and a cultural enclave. Talk to a realtor for the move of a lifetime.


Family Travel Games

If you've ever spent a long time in a vehicle with children then you've probably had to come up with some quick, creative ideas on how to keep them occupied. I have spent countless hours playing travel games with children. Here are a few of the family travel games that I have found perfect for passing the time.

Travel Scavenger Hunt
Make a list of things you might see as you're travelling (this will vary depending on your location). Some good examples would be... an airplane flying overhead, a lamb, a cyclist, an ambulance, a yield sign, litter, a train, etc. Make a list for everyone or play the game as a group. If children are playing individually, the first person to call out an item gets to check it off their list. If the item appears another time at a different location on your route another child may call it and check it off of their list. Whoever gets all of their items first or whoever has the most items when you reach your destination wins.

Travel Bingo
Make up some blank bingo cars and purchase some automobile, street sign, animal or any combination of applicable stickers to put in the blank spaces. Just be sure that any stickers you buy are of items you might see in your travels. Have the children choose and place one sticker in each square (kids love stickers, so even that part is fun). As you're driving children call out and check off any items on their card that they see along the road. The first one to get a full diagonal, horizontal, or vertical line checked off wins. In a pinch, children can draw their own bingo card on a piece of paper and either write in or draw items they might see on their trip.

Category Cards
Buy a package of blank index cards and either write one category name or draw one category picture on each card. You should make up at least sixteen cards. Categories should reflect things you might see on your travels. Be creative with your ideas and the possibilities are limitless. Some good examples would be... street signs, emergency vehicles, transportation, animals, restaurants, sports, etc. When the cards are complete, shuffle them and turn them upside down. When traveling, the first player must draw a card and find something that fits the category picked. When an item is found the next card is picked up and an applicable item is found. All players take turns until all cards are used up. Cards can then be reshuffled and the game can continue, however, if a 'car' was found for the vehicle category on the first round, a different vehicle (eg. truck, train) must be found on the next round. Play for fun or set a time limit for each item and score a point only for items found in the given time.

Licence Plate Spell
Have each child choose a different 5 letter word. When driving each player must find the first letter of their word on a licence plate. When the first letter has been found, they must find the second letter of their word on a different licence plate. This continues till someone completes their word. Then, players choose new words and start again. The player who completes the most words first by the end of the trip wins.


FA Cup Third Round Betting Review

There were not many surprises in the FA Cup third round, but the shock results in the minority were certainly spectacular ones.

Manchester United remain 9/2 second favourites despite whimpering to a goalless draw against non league Burton Albion. This was the second time in as many seasons the Reds have been held by Conference opposition, although it will mean a lucrative payday for Nigel Cloughs side when the two sides replay at Old Trafford.

Middlesbrough were also held to a draw by Conference North side Nuneaton Borough. Former Leicester City apprentice Gez Murphy scored a 90 minute penalty to level matters after Gaizka Mendieta gave Boro the lead after 15 minutes.

Fulham became the first Premiership side to be dumped out of the Cup, going down 2-1 at home to League Two side Leyton Orient on Sunday afternoon.

Sunday proved to be a bad day for Premiership sides with Tottenham Hotspur the next victims. The perennial FA Cup underachievers surrendered a two goal lead at Leicesters Walkers Stadium with the Foxes winning an entertaining match 3-2. Despite the stunning victory, Championship outfit Leicester remain 200/1 underdogs to win the Cup.

Elsewhere it was business as usual for the Premiership sides. Chelsea, favourites at 11/4 needed an 81 minute winner to see off plucky Huddersfield while 11/2 third favourites Arsenal had a late scare against battling Cardiff but clung on for a 2-1 victory.

Liverpool (13/2) were involved in a remarkable match with Luton Town, in which they found themselves 3-1 down after the break, although three goals in 12 minutes restored the Reds lead to 4-3, with Xabi Alonso scoring from inside his own half at the death for Liverpools fifth, a goal which earned one lucky punter over 25,000 after placing a bet on him achieving such a feat.

Blackburn despatched QPR by a convincing 3-0 as did Bolton away at Watford, while struggling Sunderland managed the same against non league Northwich Victoria.

A host of ties could only muster a single goal in the Premiership sides favour, with 25/1 Newcastle edging past Mansfield, Gareth Barrys goal being enough for Aston Villa (33/1) to see off Hull and 100/1 outsiders Portsmouth to win at Ipswich.

The third round isnt over for Everton who drew 1-1 at Millwall, a scoreline repeated by West Brom against Reading and Wigan Athletic against Leeds. Birmingham City could only muster a goalless draw at League Two side Torquay United.

Selling Houses with Curb Appeal and Design Psychology

Curb appeal is the most important challenge you'll face when selling your home. You must make home shoppers feel like getting out of their car to see what's behind the front door. Imagine prospective buyers driving up and examining your property for the first time. Your goal is to have them exclaim, "What a darling home!" Or, "What a splendid house."

Curb appeal has grown up, and using innovative Design Psychology techniques for marketing homes puts curb allure to work, enticing buyers to come inside your home. One way to make your home outshine the others on the market, upgrading your exterior, doesn't have to cost you a lot of money.

Restore, the outlet store for Habitat for Humanity, resells donated home building materials. They sell light fixtures, window hardware, paint, house numbers, and even white picket fencing. Restore also lets you bargain on merchandise, which means that the tagged price isn't always the final price. You can even sign up for Restore's mailing list and receive notices of half-price sales. We found a great exterior light fixture at Restore for one of our fixers for only $25. The same fixture, available at our local home building supply outlet, sells for $99.

Suppliers and Exquisite Details

To sell your home for the highest profit, you need to spend less for improvements to make more; yet spending a little extra can yield significantly more return on your money. Adding exquisite details can add dollars to your bank account. For instance, if you don't find what you're looking for at a bargain price, visit an upscale retailer and look for similar items on sale.

If you use ugly, cheap, or tacky fixtures, you'll actually make it harder to sell your home by lowering your home's curb appeal. Think of it this way: spending $100 more for a quality light fixture will save you at least one, and possibly more, mortgage payment. That means that your $100 fixture was really an investment, rather than an expense.

Curb Appeal: Create Inviting Access to Your Home

An alluring home setting begins with the access to your home. A problem with many newer homes is that developers don't provide a separate walkway to the front door. You don't want to make buyers walk around cars and trip over driveway edges to navigate to your front door. If you have no dedicated walkway to the front door, add a simple pathway. A wandering pathway to the front door psychologically feels more inviting than a straight-shot walkway.

If you have a plain, straight concrete walkway, create undulating flower beds on either side to encourage a relaxed, friendly feeling. Adding a water feature near your entry walk also enhances the ambiance because moving water relaxes the body and mind and refreshes the spirit. You want to create a feeling of balance and harmony, like that found in nature.

Welcome Buyers with Friendly Accessories:

  • Wind chimes add pleasure to your buyers' sense of hearing.
  • Potted plants, such as flowers or soft ferns, are friendly, but avoid spiked plants with thorns near the doorway.
  • Floral baskets with bright yellow and white flowers show up best day and night.
  • A pair of rocking chairs, a double glider, or a porch swing will convey a friendly neighborhood and invite potential buyers to sit and chat.
  • A welcome mat also adds a homey touch.

Avoid Unwelcoming Attributes

  • Repair cracks in the driveway with cement epoxy.
  • Clean spider webs off eaves, windows and porch.
  • Repair or replace broken doorbells.
  • Clean or replace dirty or burnt out exterior lights.

Buyers forgive little inadequacies in your home if they love it from the first time they see it. So go a few extra steps beyond curb appeal and lure your prospective buyers inside with Design Psychology methods. Take a little extra time and spend just a bit more money, to sell your home fast, and for more money.

Copyright 2005 Jeanette J. Fisher - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.